Friday, July 8, 2011

Adventure #38: Ride in a Glider Plane

Todd is the best! He wanted to share his passion for flying with me for one of my adventures so he scheduled me a flight in a glider plane in Heber.

I loved the experience! I sat in the front cockpit so I could see everywhere. As gliders don't have an engine, we were towed up into the air by another aircraft and then cut the rope to glide up high over the whole valley. We started out at 6,000 feet and climbed up to 10,000 riding in a circular fashion around a thermal. Once we were that high and gliding over the valley, the pilot, Tom, let me take hold of the controls and stear us a bit. It kind of reminded me of drivers ed with the instructor anxiously waiting for the moment he needed to take back over the controls.
I'm flying!
Wow, the view from up there was incredible. Everything is so green this year. We could see the lake, the mountain ridges in layers, the snow, the fields -- everything. What I loved was getting a new perspective, I get so used to looking at the world in a linear fashion that it is refreshing to see it so multidimensional. The birds have got it good.

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